Commentaries on the Four Books of Sentences


Book I — On the One & Triune God

with the

Complete Text of Master Peter Lombard’s,

First Book of Sentences

ISBN: 0-9915269-0-2 or 978-0-9915269-0-1

Checked and approved by Br. Alexis Bugnolo, translator

Errors found in the English text

The Students at the Scholasticum, in the Fall 2020 Course 1BS have found the following errors in the English edition. These are cited in order of the page on which they appear. L means left column. R means right column. Line refers to the lines counted from the top of the page or section. Fn means footnote.

PAGE NUMBER – – – – Location – – – – Error – – – – Correction

E-5 2nd para., line 1: doctrine should read doctrinae

E-5 6th para., line 4: for humility sake should read for humility’s sake

E-5 8th para., line 1: May, should read May

E-5 fn. 9: abolute should read absolute

E-7 fn. 12: Paris should read Patris

E-8  In the subtitle: Omnnia should be Omnia

E-8 3rd parag., line 6: A. D, should read A. D.,

E-9 final line: Book should read Books

E-12 R, Rationale, 2nd para., line 2: Cassel’s should read Cassell’s

E-13 Last cell, 4th line from the bottom: Augustino should read Augustini

E-14 4th column, 3rd cell, 1st para., lines 1-2: infinite should read infinitive

E-14 4th column, 3rd cell, 2nd para., line 1: infinite should read infinitive

E-14 4th column, 3rd cell, 5th para., line 4: a individual should read an individual

E-14 4th column, 3rd cell, 8th para., line 1: For clarity sake should read For clarity’s sake

E-15 3rd column, 4th cell, line 2: cognition should read cognitio

E-24 5th para. line 5: Deo de Deo should read Deum de Deo

E-26 4th column, last cell, line 1: it three should read it has three

E-32 line 3: Archbiship should read Archbishop

II 2nd para., 4th line from the bottom: Doctor ». should read Doctor ».2

V is missing all three superscript numbers for the footnotes in the text. These are added after in 2nd. para., 3rd line from the bottom: said:1 and 3rd. para., line 6: each are supposed.2 and in last para., 3rd line from the bottom: they said,3

VIII fn. 1: prèface should read préface

VIII fn. 3, line 1: nostre should read notre

VIII fn. 3, line 2: per should read par

VIII fn. 3, line 2: obiections should read objections

X line 2: Sweeden should read Sweden

X  fn 1, line 2: belles-letters should read belles-lettres

X fn 1, line 3: historique should read historiques

X fn. 1, line 7: Scneemann should read Schneemann

X fn. 1, line 8: handwiser should read handweiser

X fn. 1, line 10: it should read its

XIV n. 18: Unguentarious should read Unguentarius.

XVI n. 26: virtues should read virtutes.

XV n. 28, in the column for Bonelli spuriou should be spurious

XXI header of second column: Casimirus should read Casimir

XXI n. 94, in the column for Bonelli spurius should be spurious

XXII Cell Oudin & I: 71; should read 71,

XXIV n. 16: domincae should read dominicae

XXV n. 24: human should read humano

XXXV line 5: and or should read and

XXVII line 15: several work should read several works

XXVII 4th paragraph, line 1: To passover should read To pass over

XXIX fns. line 6: have completed should read having completed

XXXI line 33: No a few others should read Not a few others

XXXIII line 14: are accustom should read are accustomed

XXXIII line 17: had be compared should read had to be compared

XXXVIII 2nd para., line 5: ever best should read every best

XLI line 16: He crows in Heaven should read He crowns in Heaven

XLI §14, line 1: entered same should read entered the same

XLIII §23, final and 3rd to last line: posses should read possess

XLIX line 6: for whom as a for should read for whom as for

LVI 2nd para., line 13: interprete should read interpret

LVII line 16: in its entirely should read in its entirety

LIX L, last line: general an on should read general and on

LIX 4, 4th line from bottom: Halles should read Hales

LX L, penultimate para., line 2: has arise should read has arisen

LXIV final parag., line10 : length Commentary should read lengthy Commentary

LXIV R, 3rd para., 9th line from bottom: Per propriam virtuem should read Per propriam virtutem

LXV L, line 1: Bk. I, I, III.; should read Bk. I, II, III;

LXVII R, n. 19, penultimate line: fratirs should read fratris

LXXI L, 5th para., last line: that of Bonaventure should read than of Bonaventure

LXXI R, line 2: not be able should read not been able

LXXI R, n. 31, line 3: passing do should read passing to

LXXI R, n. 31, line 5: wham should read quam

LXXI R, n. 12, line 6: exositionem should read expositionem

LXXI R, 5th line from bottom: Iabobus should read Iacobus

LXXII L, n. 17, line 7: purlimum should read plurimum

LXXIV L, line 1: theolgie should read theologie (sic) and Niccolao should read Nicolao

LXXIV L, line 5: Antonius should read Anthonius

LXXV L, 2nd. paragraph, line 13: Bonavnetura should read Bonaventura

LXXIV L, 2nd. para., line 17: quaedam should read quedam (sic)

LXXIV L, 2nd para. penultimate line: revocationbius should read revocationibus

LXXIV L, 4th para., line 2: and the expense should read at the expense

LXXIV L, 4th para., line 13: sumtibus (sic!) should read sumutibus (sic!)

LXXIV L, 4th para., line 16: galle should read galie

LXXIV L, 4th para., line 17: viquigentesimo should read quingentesimo (sic) and vigestina should read vigesima

LXXIV R, line 4: Supplementum.. should read Supplementum.

LXXIV r, trans. fn., line 3: printed. at should read printed at

LXXVII R, n. 26, line 3: beginningthere should read beginning there

LXXVIII L, n. 34, 8th line from bottom: the from should read from

LXXVIII L, n. 34, 3rd line from bottom: complied should read compiled

LXXVIII R, n. 37 , line 3: spuer should read super

LXXIV R, n. 37, line 4: ordnis should read ordinis

LXXIX R, n. 57, line 2: first had should read first hand

LXXXI R, line 7: Capucine should read Capuchin

LXXIV R, 4th para., line 16: galle should read galie

LXXXII L, 2nd para., line 5: have follows should read have followed

LXXXII L, 2nd para., line 16: Bishop should read Bishops

LXXXII L, 2nd para., 5th line from bottom: ineffable see should read ineffable sea

LXXXII L, last para., line 2: contentious should read contentiously

LXXXII R, 3rd para., line 9: this four books should read these four books

LXXXIII R, line 15: has already begun should read had already begun

LXXXV L, nn.32-36: add the abbreviation A. D. after the 5 years cited in the parentheses.

LXXXVI R, line 19: dialecticaae should read dialecticae

2, final line: a Lapidé should read à Lapide

3 L, line 9: form Paradise should read from Paradise

3 R, 2nd para., 6th line from bottom: make? more profound should read make?, more profound

3 R, 2nd. para., 5th line from bottom: ? as if should read ?, as if

5 5, line 1: investigablies divitiae should read divitias

5 R, 2nd. para., line 5: though virtue should read through virtue

6 R, arg. 4, line 2: as it clear should read as is clear

7 R, fn. 12, 7th line from bottom: substantaim should read substantiam

8 R, fn. 10, line 3: serpabili should read sperabili

9 L, line 21: to the extend should read to the extent

9 R, line 7: whence the should read whence they

9 R, 2nd para., 5th line from bottom: becomes should read become

10 L, fn. 2, line 6: which found should read is found

10 R, line 4: those thing should read those things

12 L, Q. 3, line 8: happened should read happen

13, fn. 5, final line: princaliter should read principaliter

13, Scholium, 3, line 1: in should be In.

14 L, fn. 4, line 3: For does should read For it does

19 L, d. XIX, iv: the Son an should be the Son and

27 L, 4th para., line 4: to a some should read to some

27 L, fn 4. line 3: to joy God should read to enjoy God

27 R, fn. 8, line 3: bideri non debet should read videri non debet

27 R, fn. 9, last line: fuit should read frui

27 R, fn. 10, line 5: fuitur should read fruitur and nobus should be nobis

28 L, fn. 5, 2x in lines 3 and 8: because the are should read because they are

32 R, Q. 2, line 2: there is not using should read there is not a using

32 R, Q. 2, n. 4, last line: one is not use should read one is not to use

32 R, fn. 9, line 1: To the extend should read To the extent

33 2nd Trans. fn.: 52 should read 54

33 R, fn. 4, line 4: carotate should read caritate

34 R, fn. 10, 3rd to last line: pe veritatem should read perveritatem

34 R, fn. 10, penultimate line: voluinatis should read voluntatis

34 R, fn. 10, last line: pert should read part

37 R, n. 4, last line: hope God whether it should read hope God [sperare Deum]

37 R, last line: an on account of this … propter hoc should read and on account of this … et propter hoc

38 line 1:  Article II should read Article III

39 L, fn. 1, penultimate line: animal should read anima

39 R, fn. 7, line 1:  TU should read T U

63 L, line 21: [pulcritudo] should read [pulchritudo]

65 L, paragraph 2, line 11:  and/or or should read and/or

69 L, line 18: totatilty should read totality

69 fn. 2, line 1: [which prove] should read [quae probant]

69 fn. 5, line 1: p. 347 should read p. 346

70 Scholium, 2nd para., line 3: sctneces should read sentences

70 Scholium, line 18: all truth things should read all true things

70 Trans. fn, R, penultimate line: eschatalogically should read eschatologically

71 L, line 1: it is manifested should read is manifested

71 Scolium, L, 4th line from the bottom: cognized should read cognize

74 Q. 3, paragraph 2, line 1: use to should read used to

74 Q. 3, Respndeo, 2nd para., line 3: did use to cognized should read did used to cognize

74 Q. 3, concl., paragraph 2, line 1:  It another manner should read In another manner

75 R, Scholium II, line 4: give should read given

76 L, paragraph 5: bold face must be added to On the Contrary:

78 fn. 11, line 3:  The similar si in should read The similar is in

80 R, last line:  or of in should read or of in-

82 L, Q. 2, 1st. paragraph, line 3: the image in them should read the image is attained in them

82 fn. 7 is hidden in fn. 6, and should begin a new paragraph.

87 L, 4th line from bottom: F or should read For

95 L, 4th paragraph, line 6: one must be respond should read it must be responded

95 R, 16th line from the bottom : One True god should read One True God

95 fn. 12, line 14: proriis should read propriis

95 fn. 13, line 4: Sumboli should read Symboli

97 fn. 3, final line: vela b habente should read vel ab habente

97 fn. 5, line 4: signification vel suppositio should read significatio vel suppositio

97 fn. 6, line 2: codices Y and Y should read codices H and Y

97 fn. 7, lines 4-5: affirmation, vel negation should read affirmatio, vel negatio

97 fn. 7, lines 7: [Deo omni affirmation should read [De omni affirmatio

98 L, n. 1 line 2: if3 should read if 3

98 fn. 6, lines 3: multipclicabilem should read multiplicabilem

98 fn. 7, lines 2: totatliter et should read totaliter et

99 fn. 1, last line: in Prosologio should read in Proslogio

107 fn. 2, line 1: adds should read add

108 1st para., line 6: son should read Son

108 fn. 11, 4th line from the bottom: indicative subsists [subsistat] should read subjunctive substists [subsistat]

109 L, 2nd para., line 6: begot should read beget

109 L, 2nd. para., 12th line from bottom: [nihilo horum should read [nihil horum

109 R, 2nd. para., 15th line from bottom: He is of one and should read He is of one and the

112 2nd. para., line 4: regarding [se habet ad] regarding should read regarding [se habet ad]

115 R, lines 2: it is more should read is more

120 R, fn. 1, line 3: by the itself should read by itself.

124 L, 2nd para., line 11: the His predestination should read His (act of) predestination

125 R, Q. 1, sed contra, n. 2, line 2: There a the natural should read There a natural

125 R, Respondeo, line 3: a unfitting should read an unfitting

128 R, n. 1. 5. 6., penultimate line: Origin should read Origen

130 L, Doubt II, penultimate line: the Son will not be meant should read He will  not be called “the Son”

141 R, Respondeo, lines 6-7: exchange the former and the latter

145 R, 3rd para., 6th line from bottom: Mature should read Nature

148 R, line 4: sin tempore should read sine tempore

148 R, 2nd para., 5th line from bottom: by more usual should read by the more usual

148 R, fn. 6, line 1: St. Augustine should read St. Hilary

149 L, line 8: be become should read become

156/7 : Every change / change should read Every change /

169 L, Scholium, line 7: an point should read a point

170 R, fn. 11, last line: pluts should read puts

170 R, fn. 12, last line: W and W should read W and X

171 L, fn. 3, penultimate line: F H Y V Y should read F H T V Y

171 L, 3rd para., 3rd line from bottom: by reason should read by reason7

172 R, fn. 1o, line 3: cannot(be should read cannot (be

173 R, fn. 1, line 3: namely,. should read namely,

174, L, Doubt I, line 1:  I that part should read In that part

174, L, fn. 4, line 2:  cause its own should read cause of its own

175, L, fn. 4, line 2:  substantia et indipendentia should read substantiam et indipendentiam

176, R, fn. 3, line 3:  ordinal should read original

176 R, penultimate paragraph, line 5: Apostles should read Apostle

177 L, 1st para., last line:  therefore, Father should read therefore, the Father

177 L, fn. 3, penultimate line:  suspicious should read suspicion

177 R, fn. 11, last line:  omitt should read omit

177 R, fn. 12, line 5:  He is is should read He who is

178 L, 1st para., 4th line from bottom:  Origin should read Origen

178 L, 2nd para., line 3:  [benige] should read [benigne]

178 L, 2nd para., 3rd line from bottom:  Origin should read Origen

178 R, line 15:  same(chapter should read same (chapter

178 R, 2nd para., line 9:  non (so) should read not (so)

178 R, fn. 10, line 4:  ut of the virtue should read out of the virtue

185 Title and subtitle for Question IV reduplicates Question III, and should read instead QUESTION IV and Whether the generation of the Son has been terminated?

185 fn. 1: sit poterior should read sit posterior

189 L, 2nd. para., 4th line from bottom: Father, non should read Father, not

191 L, Doubt VIII, Resp., line 5: secrete,  not should read secret, not

192 L, Scholium, 5th line from bottom: ad 1 and 2 should read in reply to nn. 1 and 2

197 L, 2nd para., line 3: word [amoris] should read love [amore]

203 L, Scholium, line 3: the son should read the Son

218 R, D. 12, ch. II, line 18: added should read add

219 Comm. on D. XIII, in subtitle citation from Lombard: and1 the Son should read and the Son

219 L, Division of the Text, line 3:  and the son should read and the Son

224 L, Scholium, I, penultimate line: He spires not should read He spirates not

228 L, 1st para., 4th line from bottom: [a should read [ab

229 L, 2nd para., line 6: Orosius: should read Orosius:1

229 L, 2nd para., line 11: a son should read the Son

229 L, 2nd. para., line 12: a Father should read the Father

229, L, 2nd para., line 13: [a] should read [ab]

230 L, 1st para., line 6: ask should read asks

230 R, Treatment of the Questions, last line: “unbegotten” should be italicized

231 L, 2nd para., line 1: there is most truly is  should read there is most truly

231 L, fn. 2, line 2: editino should read edition

231 L, fn. 6, line 2: niether should read neither

231 R, fn. 9, line 2: F H I M X T should read F H I M X Y

232 L, Scholium, 5th line from bottom: doctor should read Doctor

232 L, fn. 7, line 2: omits should read omit

232 R, fn. 8, last line: procesio should read processio

232 R, fn. 9, last line: of a Hypostasis [hyupostasis] should read of a Hypostasis [sive hypostasis]

233 R, 3rd parag., 5th line from bottom: an completely should read a completely

233 R, fn. 8, line 2: defines [defninit] should read was lacking [defecit]

234 L, Scholium, 2nd para., 7th line: q. 1, a. 3, ad 3 should read q. 1, a. 3, ad 2

235 R, fn. 8, line 2: [generation should be [generatio

236 R, 4th para., line 5: `being’ lacks italicization

236 R, 3rd para., line 2: jus should read just

237 L, Scholium, 2nd para., 2nd line from bottom: greater that should read greater than

237 L, Scholium, last para., line 6: in d. 19, a. 1, q. 1 should read in d. 10, a. 1, q. 1

237 R, Scholium, 1st para., line 2: to the son should read to the Son

237, R, Scholium, No. 3, line 5: after from Two (here in the 2nd fundament and the body) there is ellipsis , and because the principle by which is a proximate One and Another (here in the 3rd fundament)

237 R, Scholium, III., line 1: disagree should be italicized

237 R, Scholium, III., No. 2, line 5: by their very selves should be italicized

238 L, Q. IV, No. 2, line 1: by reckoning of (St.) Jerome should be by the reckoning of (St.) Jerome

238 R, Scholium, 1st para., line 4 there is an elipsis and error: replace to n. 5 says, with to n. 5, who however in other places teaches, that He proceeds naturally (this last word in italics)

239 L, fn. 2, line 2: ἀγέντον should read ἀγένητον and in line 3: ἀγένντον should read ἀγέννητον

239 R, Doubt II, line 2: Likewise, the Holy Spirit proceeds should read The same Holy Spirit proceeds

241 R, line 3: just as an should read just as a

242 L, 1st para., line 9: creature Whence should read creature. Whence

242 L, 2nd para., line 15: that the Holy spirit should read that the Holy Spirit

242 R, ch. II, line 5: Bede should read (St.) Bede

243 L, line 4: the Quaracchi edition lacking » to end the 3rd quotation from Ambrose cited in fn. 16 of the previous page, we by interpolation given to us? should end with a »

243 L, 1st para., line 21: the son should read the Son

243 L, ch. III, 1st para., 3rd line from the end: Holy spirit should read Holy Spirit

243 R, 3rd para., line 2: letter w in who should be italicized

243 R, 3rd para., 4th line from the end: after Christ to them, which replace what follows to the end of the sentence with with them receiving, there was shown by some visible signs, that the Holy Spirit was in them.

243 R, fn. 4, line 1: Rm should read Rom.

244 L, 1st para., 6th line from the end: whether the Son should read whether He

244 L, 2nd para., line 3: the son should read the Son

244 R, 3rd para., line 1: also given should read also give

244 R, 3rd para., line 8: that he Holy Spirit should read that the Holy Spirit

245 L, fn. 2, last line: vela b uno should read vel ab uno

246 R, 2nd para., line 3: [liberii arbitrii] should read [liberi arbitrii]

246 R, fn. 9, line 4: of free will for should read of free will [liberi arbitrii] for

247 R, Conclusion, 1st para., last line: in twofold should read in a twofold

248 L, fn. 4, line 2: just as [sic] should read just as [sicut]

249 Subtitle to Q. 1:  in His own person should read in His own Person

249 L, Q. I, 3rd para., line 2: remove the underlining of the 2 after Trinity

249 L, fn. 3, line 3: end fo should read end of



250 L, line 6: one must conceded should read it must be conceded

252 L, *Trans. Note, line 1: to be typographical should read to be a typographical

255 L, D. XV, ch. 1, 15th line from bottom: is he given should read is He given

255 L, D. XV, ch. 1, 11th line from bottom: They given should read They give

260 L, 2nd para., line 4: the Son should read the Sun

260-261 R & L: 260 should end the gift appro- and 261 should begin with -priated

262-263 R & L: 262 should end with comes and 263 should begin with anew

264 R, n. 4, line 4: from Himself. should read from Himself:

264 R, Respondeo, line 7: sending an the One should read sending and the One

265 L, 1st para., 6th line from botttom: and by the son should read and by the Son

265 R, 1st para., 3rd line from bottom:  Holy spirit should read Holy Spirit

265 R, 2nd para., 5th line from bottom: sends the son should read sends the Son

271 L, 3rd para., last line: “over Saul” should read “over” Saul and Saul should not be in italics

271 L, Q. II, Problem No. 2, line 1: through a simile should be italicized

276 L, D. XVI, 2nd para., line 14: (to be) he mission should read (to be) the mission

277 L, line 5: for ever should read forever to accommodate standard US usage

277, Title for the Commentary:  XV should read XVI

277 L, Commentary, 2nd subtitle: procession. should read procession etc.

278 L, 2nd para., lines 1-2:  first ,Master should read first, Master

283 R, Respondeo, 4th line from bottom: in a creatures should read in a creature

284 L, 2nd para., 4th line from bottom: the son should read the Son

287 Page Title: DIST. XVI P. I should read DIST. XVII P. I

287 L, 2nd para., line 7: one another should read one Another

287 L, fn. 4, line 1: 1 John 4:8,6. should read 1 John 4:8,16.

287 L, fn. 9, line 2: correct the should read correct this

287 L, fn. 9, line 5: sumuis should read sumus

287 R, line 16: he in him whom should read he in whom

287 R, fn. 13, last line: [Dei dilectionem] should read [Dei dilectione]

288 L, fn. 6, last line: [dictari sumus] should read [dicturi sumus]

288 R, 2nd para., line 16: that that gift should read than that gift

289 Page Title: DIST. XVI P. II should read DIST. XVII P. II

289 R, fn. 12: On the Gospel of St. John should read On the Letter of St. John

290 L, 1st para., 17th line from bottom: And just our are should read And just as our

290 L, fn. 2, penultimate line: brining should read bringing

290 R, 4th para., line 2: Augusti ne should read Augustine

291 L, first line: the indentation should be removed

291 R, 1st para., line 13 an Elipsis: aforesaid verse should read aforesaid verse of the Apostle

291 R, 1st para., 8th line from bottom: that this Good should read than this Good

291 R, 1st para., 6th line from bottom: who is divides should read who divides

291 L, Division of Text, 1st para., 3rd line from bottom: impugnatures should read impugnatores

291 L, fn. 1, line 3: inconinquinatus should read incoinquinatus

291 L, fn. 1, line 4: edD. should read edd.

292 L, 1st para., line 4: God, and similarly should read God, and1 similarly

292 R, 1st para., line 3: he concludes should read he concludes2

292 R, Treatment of Qq., line 2: whether than charity should read whether that charity

293 L, n. 8, line 1: to belongs should read it belongs and in line 2: no creatures should read no creature

293 R, 2nd para., 3rd line from the bottom: that the God’s should read that God’s

295 L, line 2:  in a twofold manner. should read in a twofold manner:

295 R, n. 8, 3rd line from bottom: hit has should read it has

298 L, Q. III, n. 4: certainly see should read certainly seen

300 R, Q. IV, 3rd line from bottom: interposition its cause should read interposition is its cause

301 L, last para., line 2: ON THE TRINITY should read ON THE TRINITY7

301 R, 1st para., line 7: by the senses. should read by the senses:

301 R, 2nd para., line 3: or a such should read or such

302 L, Scholium, line 32: in regard the should read in regard

302 R, Scholium, line 3: explained the same should read explained by the same

302 R, Scholium, 11th line from the end: THE CITY OF GOD should read ON THE CITY OF GOD

303 L, Scholium, III., No. 3., line 3: what it is to life should read what it is to live

303 R, Scholium, III., line 20: sprits should read spirits

304 L, 4th para., line 6: [dilection should read [dilectio

307 L, 1st para., line 5: opinion.. should read opinion.

308 L, 2nd para., line 1: charity is becomes should read charity becomes

308 R, 1st para., last line: and should read but

308 R, Concl., 2nd para., 3rd line from the bottom: ac should read and

309 R, 3rd para., line 4: belongs should read belong

310 L, Scholium, line 22: a “more and a less” should read”more and less”

312 L, 1st para., penultimate line: it has it should read it has its

312 L, 1st para., last line: so as (its) should read so also (its)

312 L, fn. 6, line 2: o mass should read of mass

312 R, fn. 6, line 1: [quantum] should read [quanti]

312 R, fn. 6, line 3: [quantitatis virtutis] should read [quantitatis virtualis]

313 L, Scholium, line 4: a. 2, a. 2 should read q. 2, a. 2

313 L, Scholium, line 5: addition , should read addition,

314 R, 2nd para.,  4th line from bottom: [supra Deum]. should read [supra Deum]:

323 R, Concl.: the I Respond lacks bold facing

328 R, Concl., final line of 1st para.: properly given should read properly give

329 R, Q. V, 3 from last line: differs from the all should read differs from all the

333 L, line one: remove the paragraph indention and the words: that “my” and “our” /

336 L, 1st para., line 7: we believes should read we believe

336 L, 1st para., penultimate line: One does exceed should read One does not exceed

337 L, line 11: non else in Each should read none else in Each

339 L, ch. VIII, line 5: there statues should read three statues

339 R, 4th para., line 3: just as the Saint hint at should read just as the Saints hint at

340 R, 2nd para., line 4: than the son should read than the Son

342 R, Q. 1, 3rd para., line 3: the measure and finity should read a measure and a finity

343 L, line 2: equal and unequal should have single quotes

345 L, 2nd para., penultimate line: consists should read consist

346 L, fn. 1, 6th line from bottom: the son should read the Son

346 R, fn. 1, line 1: the son should read the Son

348 R, 4th para., line 1-2: said. ‘the Father … in the Father’, should read said: “The Father … in the Father”, and then in the 3rd line from the bottom: said: ‘a genus … in (its) genus’, should read said: “A genus … in (its) genus”,

349 L, Conclusion, penultimate line that what should read that which

349 R, Concl., 5th line from bottom: the Saint hint at should read the Saints hint at

350 L, 2nd. para., line line 5: said: the Father … vice versa should read said: “The Father …. vice versa”

350 L, Scholium, 6th line from bottom: Essence in is every person should read Essence is in every Person

350 Trans. fn.: below should read above and the p. number cited therein should read 346.

355 R, Q. 1, line 7: has no proof should read has no contradiction

356 L, para. 3, line 1: who is can should read whole can

356 R, 2nd para., line 1: the follow should read the following

357 L, Scholium, 2nd para., line 4: but of not part should read but of no part

357 L, Q. II, 3rd para., line 4-5: but it is that one find should read but there is a finding of

357 R, Scholium, 2nd para., line 3: even is should read even if

358 R, 2nd para., line 1: But through in should read But though in

360 R, 3rd para.: On the Contrary lacks bold facing

360 R, last line: if is matter in God should read if matter is in God

364 R, fist line: wants to says should read wants to say

365 L, Scholium, 4th last line: lest of all should read least of all

368, Q. 1, subtitle: extension to the possible should read extension to possibles

369 L, 4th para., line 2: personal should read person

369 L, Respondeo, line 2: [potential should read [potentia

369 R, 2nd para., line 6: produced should read produce

369 L, Scholium, line 2: extend should read extent

370 L, Scholium, line 3: Three Person should read Three Persons

370 R, Scholium, 1st para., last line: is itself is should read in itself is

370 R, Q. II, 2nd para., line 2: that that should read than that

370 R, Q. II, 3rd para., line 2: that one who should read than one who

371 L, para. 3, 4th line: [orinem] should read [ordinem]

371 L, para. 3, line 6: it not more should read it is not more

372 L, n. 5, penultimate line: there in an should read there is an

372 L, fn. 5, line 3: god should read God

372 R, Concl., 2nd para., last line: just as it clear should read just as is clear

373 R, line 1: an no dependence should read and no dependence

374 L, 3rd para., line 3: and posterior should read and a posterior

375 L, line 10: there is a should read there is an

377 L, D. XXI, line 6: Augustine ask should read Augustine asks

380 L, Resp., line 7: “solitude” Whence should read “solitude”. Whence

381 L, Q. II, 2nd para., 4th line from bottom: solus verum Deus should read solus verus Deus

382 R, 3rd. para., 7th line from bottom: no one every said should read no one ever said

382 R, 3rd. para., 5th-4th lines from bottom:‘the Trinity … only God’. should read “The Trinity … only God”.

384 L, fn. 4, final line: implication should implicatio

385 L Q. II, line 3: there is truly should read there be truly

390 L,  n. 3, line 3: spoke word should read spoken word

392 L, Scholium, line 7: be finite should read be a finite

392 L, Scholium, line 11: we cognized should read we cognize

394 L, n. 2, line  3: spoke should read spoken

396 L, 3rd. para., 6th line from bottom: thought they are should read though they are

398 R, Q. V, n. 3, line 6: of speaking. should read of speaking:

399 L, Scholium, I., 5th line from bottom: are also solves should read are also solved

399 L, Scholium, II., first line: that is here should read what is here

403 R, ch. VI, penultimate line: manifold should read manifold [multiplex]

405 L, Q. 1, 4th last line: the last the should read the last in the

407 R, Concl., subtitle, line 4: to the extend should read to the extent

410 R, Scholium, n. 3, line 10: itself. whence should read itself. Whence

411 L, Scholium., II., line 5: ut they should read but they

411 R, Scholium, line 9, after reading. place an asterisk * and in a Trans. note place the following: Here the Quaracchi editors fall into the grievous error of forgetting that a name which signifies in abstraction can be used in concretion, as in the phrase, “The Deity created the world” [Deitas munum creavit], the name, “deity”, which per se signifies in abstraction, is employed in concretion. Whence their criticism of the Seraphic Doctor should be struck from the Scholium since it presents no difficulty.

411 R, Q. I, line 3: that they sare should read that they are

413 R, Q. II, Resp., line 4: having a the should read having the

419 R, 1st para., last line: [triunum] should read [trinum]

419 R, The Division of the Text, last line: after etc.. place an asterisk *

419 R, Treatment of Quest., 1st para, line 2: such should read such as

419 Trans. Note, line 2: [vero]. These kind should read [ergo]. These kinds

420 Article I: On numeral should read On the numeral

421 R, 2nd para., last line: even8 should read even9

421 R, fn. 9, line 1: [etaim] should read [etiam]

422 L, Scholium, 3rd para., 7th line from the bottom: a. 1, a. 1 should read q. 1, a. 1

422 R, Scholium, III., 5th line from the bottom: genus of relatively should read genus of relatives

422 R, Scholium, III., 3rd line from the bottom: and example should read an example

422 R, Scholium, III, 2nd para., 6th line: we says should read we say

423 L, Scholium, line 6: salved should read saved

423 L, Scholium, 5th line from the end: which a certain should read which is certain

424 R, 5th para., line 3: (it does( should read (it does)

425 L, 3rd para., line 2: [memeris] should read [memeris]*

425 L, 7th para.: On the Contrary lacks bold facing and Capitalizations

426 R, 3rd para., line 4: raison should read reason

428 R, Art. III, 2nd para., line 1: grated should read granted

429 R, fn. 6, line 1: “trinue” should read “triune”

430 Q. II, subtitle: “Trinty” should read “Trinity”

430 R, fn. 10, line 2: extend should read extent

431 L, Notes on Text of the Master, 2nd para., line 2: (amon the divine) should read (among the divine)

432 R, Ch. II, line 6: [sermon] should read [sermo]

437 R, last 2 lines: this is was should read this is what, then add before the final period [hoc quaerebant]

443 L, 2nd para., 5th line from bottom: completely similarly should read completely similar

444 L, Q. II, n. 3rd para., line 3: he completely should read the completely

445 R, Scholium, line 1: But the should read Moreover, the

445 R, Scholium, line 3: individual equally convenes should read individual does equally convene

446 R, 2nd para., line 2 contains an elipsis, to be added after the name, which means add purely a form of the nature, and the name, which means

447 L, D. XXVI, line 16: use to should read used to

448 L, line 1, remove indent

448 L, ch. III, 9th and 8th lines before the bottom: no has the Son every begun to be. should read nor has he ever begun to be the Son.

449 R, ch. VIII, fn. 9 needs to be superscrited and bold faced

452 L, Concl, but also really needs a fn. * remarking that really should be excised from the text since it represents an inauthentic reading of the text

454 L, Scholium, II., n. 1: needs a Trans. fn. * after the word Doctor, to read thus: This observation by the Quaracchi Editors is unfounded, for in none of these texts does the Seraphic Doctor use the term “really” in conjunction with the term “distinction”, for as in this Question above he merely cites this as the common opinion. Here the Editors have failed not note that Bonaventure holds that the persons are really distinct but differ only according to relations, properties and notions.

457 R, Resp., 2nd para., penultimate line: way manner should read what manner

456 R, penultimate line of 4th para.: signifies more should read has a better value

458 L, line 1, remove indentation

459 L, 4th para., last line, add a final ).

459 L, 5th para., n. 3, line 5: extend that should read extent that

459 L, 6th para., n. 4, line 3: three remains should read there remains

459 L, 6th para., add before final period on last line [esse ad]

459 R, 4th para., line 10: of our should read of ours

460 R, Concl., subtitle: the Names should read the names

460 R, last para., line 2: distinguish should read distinguishes

462 L, 1st para., 3rd line from bottom: s substance should read a substance

463 L, 1st para., 4th line from bottom: simply should read simple

463 R last line, the footnote should read 10 not 0

465 L, Part II, 8th line from bottom: Both and should read Both at once

468 L, 4th para., line 2: move fn. 6 to after there is predication and remove the asterisk after [per concretionem],

470-471 on last word of the former and first word of the latter, should read TRI- and -NITY

473 R, 7th line from bottom: non according should read not according

474 L, n. 5, penultimate line: happened should read happen

477 L, Q. IV, n. 4, penultimate line: to be believe should read to believe

492 R, D. XXVIII, line 6: of tat which should read of that which

494 R, ch. VII, line 7: and image should read and Image

496 Q. I, subtitle, the first quotation mark before innascible must not be in italics

496 L, last para., n. 2, line 2: signifies in concretion should read signified in concretion

501 L, 3rd. para., line 1: persona should read personal

502 Q. IV, subtitle: the notion should read a notion

506 R, ch. III, penultimate line: betting should read begetting

509 L, has an elpisis in the first line: remove indent and read accepted There

509 R, 1st. para., penultimate line: property should read properly

509 R, n. 3, line 2: it is the should read the same is

513 L, Resp., 3d para., line 8: or spirant should read or spirate

517 R, line 2: it (name) should read (the name principium)

517 Trans. note, line 1: original should read originally

519 R, D. XXX, line 22: said, jut should read said, just

521 L, Q. 1, n. 4, lines 1 and 3: jut should read just

522 L, Resp., 2nd para., line 3: four reason should read four reasons

522 L, Resp., 2nd para., line 6: a man should read man

522 L, Resp., 4th para., line 3: implies it should read implies in

523 L, Scholium, 3rd para., line 4: by bring should read by bringing

523 R, Q. II, n. 3, line 1: lead should read led

523 L, Q. II, 6th para., line 2: On the Trinity should read in small caps without underline

523 R, Q. II, Concl., subtitle, line 1: account to time should read account of time

524 L, 1st para., line 9: the wall distracts should read the wall separates the flock [disgregat]

524 L, 1st para., line 18: fro this should read for this

524 R, fn. 6, line 1: to the text should read to the extent

524 Trans. note. Move the asterisk from after disgregative to the end of fn. 2, and replace Trans. note with the following: Here the Quaracchi editors have failed to note that the verb disgrego means in this context more aptly separates the flock, since the Seraphic Doctor is speaking of a thing the relation to which is exterior and imposed by externals, not that which is inherent or arises from the thing itself. In the first edition, I followed their reading of this passage, with a long footnote to explain it, which I now retract for the simpler reading according to the etymology of the word and its context.

525 L, 4th para., line 4: place over should read placed over

525 R, Q. II, Concl., subtitle, line 1: account to time should read account of time

526 L, 1st para., line 1, remove indent.

526 L, 1st para., line 4: a creatures does should read a creature does

526 L, 2nd para., line 6: creature it does should read creature

527 R, D. II, line 2, remove asterisk

528 R, line : ration should read rather

531 L, line 1, remove indent.

531 L, line 8: with Himself , should read with Himself,

533 L, Q. I, final para., line 1, capitalize On the Contrary

536 L, Scholium, 1st para., line 7: seems to not should read seems to now

537 R, Concl., 2nd para., line : the son should read the Son

537 Trans. fn.: p. 347 should read p. 346

541 R, penultimate line: but his should read but this

543 L, Q. III, Concl., subtitle, 3rd line from bottom: cognizing should read cognized

553 L, 2nd para., penultimate line: he does simply should read he does not simply

554 L, ch. III, line 5: (authors) says should read (authors) say

554 R, 1st. para., 3rd from the bottom: Won should read Son

557 R, n. 5, line 2: God’ should read God’s

559 L, Scholion, II, line 1: not per accidens, but even should read not only per accidens, but also

560 L, 3rd para., line 1: but should read be

560 L, 3rd para., line 5: it self should read itself

560 L, Conclusion title:  the Son loves should read the Son love

560 R, 1st para., line 6: the Son loves should read the Son love

560 R, 1st para., 3rd line from bottom: spirit . . . being connected should read Spirit . . . ‘being connected’

562 R, 2nd para., line 16: Sin should read Son

562 R, 2nd para., line 18: construe should read construed

568 L, penultimate line: goodness, justice should read “goodness”, “justice”

569 L, 6th line from bottom: substance, thus should read substance, he thus

569 R, line 10: this words should read these words

571 R, Q. 1, 2nd para., line 2: use to should read used to

572 L, n. 2, line 4: that it should read than it

572 R, Resp., 2nd para., line 10: they posited should read they posited

573 L, 2nd para., penultimate line: to far should read too far

573 L, 3rd para., line 3: not commonly should read now commonly

575 L, n. 4, line 2: remove asterisk

578 L, 2nd para., 4th line from bottom: the paternity is should read the paternity in

578 L, nn. 2. 3., line 2: (thing) should read (things)

578 L, Scholium, II, 6th line from bottom: the Essence should read Essence

578 L, Scholium, II, last line: remove space before )

578 R, n. 4, line 4: concrete should be concretion, and in line 5: a man should be Man

579 R, Resp., lines 1-2: expression should read expressions

580 L, 2nd para., line 3: held be should read held to be

584 L, 3rd line from bottom: an for that should read and for that

584 R, ch. V, 1st para., 5th line from bottom: diffused fare should read spread far

586 L, n. 3, line 3: that they should read than they

589 L, Q. II, n. 1, penultimate line: where there should read where

589 R, Scholium, line 1: add * after relative and then add a Trans. fn:  Here the Quaracchi editors err in saying “relative”, when the true doctrine of St. Bonaveture would have “respective”, cf. here above in the reply to nn. 1 & 2.

590 R, n. 1, line 2: there is not subject should read there is no subject

591 L, n. 3, line 2: that that a should read that that

591 L, n. 4, last line: as an should read as a

591 L, Scholium, line 3: in a word that should read in a word

593 Page title: IDIST. should read DIST.

596 R, Doubt VIII, 2nd para., line 13: virtues is the end should read virtue is the ultimate (point)

598 R, ch. IX, 1st para., line 15: had know should read had known

607 L, Scholium, 4th line from bottom: from thing should read from things

610 R, n. 1, penultimate line: want should read would want, and in the last line: he have should read one have

611 R, Q. V, 3rd para., line 2: (boo) should read (book)

617 L, ch. I, subtitle, line 1: in the God’s should read in God’s

629 R, 2nd para., line 6: [end] should read [ens]

631 L, 2nd para., line 6: from god should read from God

637 R, Division of the Text, 2nd. para., line 3-4: cognized should read cognize

639 R, 2nd para., line 4: (and) should read (and) does

640 L, 2nd para., line 9: on another should read one another

640 L, Q. II, line 1: ask should read asked

640 R, Q. II, last line: remove the final indentation after presence:

642 R, Q. I, last line: remove the final indentation after is in any

643 L, Resp., line 7: no the part should read on the part

647 R, 2nd para., line 4: remove a

651 L, Division of the Text, 4th line from bottom: etc. In should read etc.. In

652 R, Q. 1, n. 4, 2nd line: principles should read principle

653 L n. 2, last line: add a half space before the footnote

655 L,  n. 4, final line: and non should read and not

656 L, fn. 8: remove the space before the asterisk.

659 L, Scholium, II., line 1: not per accidens but even should read not only per accidents but also

661 R, 2nd para., line 6: but in on should read but on

666 L, ELIPISIS, in that fn. 5 is missing from the Notes on the Book of Setences, which fn. should read thus:  On the Trinity, ch. 10, n. 11, but with transposed words.

667 L, 4th para., line 12: unless should read except

667 R, 1st para., line 14:  were to should read were

669 L, n. 3, line 4: ca should read can

671 L, line 4: (thing) should read (things)

671 L, II, lines 19 & 20: ad should read at

672 R, 1st para., line 11:  that … seems should read it … seem and line line 12: say that should read say the former, that

673 L, Scholium, II, line 6: (things) should read there

673 R, Scholium, 1st para., line 5: a difficult should read a difficulty

675 L, Resp., 2nd para., penultimate line: their should read theirs

675 R, n. 3, line 4: shown should read show

678 L, Resp., 2nd para., line 4: every in should read every

678 R, 3rd para., line 4: cause or should read caused nor

679 R, 2nd para., line 6: foreknow should read foreknown

679 R, 4th para., line 7: posts should read posits

680 L, Doubt I, Resp. last line: manner. should read manner: and then what follows thus should be moved to the R column.

680 R, Doubt I, 1st para., line 3:  think should read thing

683 R, 1st para., 9th line from bottom: fees should read flees

683 R, 1st para., 5th line from bottom: knows should read know

684 L, Q. I, 2nd line: auctoritate ]and should read auctoritate] and

686 L, Resp., line 4: cognizes it should read cognizes

687 R, n. 2, line 1: use s should read uses

689 R, 1nst para., last line: shown should read show

690 Q. Title and Subtitle:  II should read III, and the correct subtitle is Whether God knows more, than He knows?

694 L, 2nd para., line 4: immutable should read immutably

713 R, 6th line: Second on should read Second one

716 L, line 3: sine should read since

716 R, 2nd para., line 7: sing should read sign

718 R, 3rd para., 10th line from bottom: remove spaces between by a

726 R, 3rd para., line 1:  askes should read asks

728 L, Art. I, Q. 1, 6th line: reproves should read reproved

729 R, n. 1, line 1: which if should read which is

735 R, 3rd line from bottom: ct should read act

736 R, Art. II, line 2: an should read a

736 Trans. fn., ine 2: compexlionis should read complexionis

737 L, 4th para., last line: cognizes should read does not cognize

737 L, Q. I, last line: cognizes should read cognize

737 R, Resp., 11th line from bottom: simple should read simple by

742 R, 3rd para., line 13: He beings should read He begins

747 R, 5th para., lines 6 & 7: He able should read He is able

748 L, the initial indent of the first line should be removed, and the title CONCLUSION should be centered.

748 L, Concl., in which the subtitle is not alinge properly: it should have the first line not indented, and the rest indented one tab.

748 L, Respondeo: The word Respond should be in small caps, the I should be bold faced.

756 R, n. 3, line 1: show should read shown

759 R, 1st para., line 2: removes asterisk, or add trans. fn..

760 Trans. fn., line 2: who should read which

761 R, D. XLIII, 3rd. para., penultimate line: there are not should read there are nor

762 R, final para., line 8: add not after what He does

769 R, Q. II, final para., line 1: end. for and should read end:  for an

772 R, n. 1, line 4: worked.8 the should read worked:8 the then for a creating, it should should read as creating;

772 R, n. 1, line 7: tat should read that

773 R, line 2: add a half space before final ‘ marks to separate from -d

774 L, Q. IV, penultimate line: infinite should read finite

775 L, line 1: remove indent

775 L, Scholium, 3rd line from bottom: that which should read than which

779 L, 3rd line from bottom: for He should read For He

781 L, n. 4, line 2: clears should read clear

782 R, n. 1, penultimate line: understand should read understands

783 L, Scholium, penultimate line: the essential should read to the essential

784 R, Resp. 2nd para., 9th line from bottom: has should read have

785 L, Scholium, 3rd line from bottom: such an should read such as

786 R, penultimate line: jut should read just

787 R, Scholium, last line: most should read moist

788 R, 2nd para., line 13: imagines should read imagine

788 R, 2nd. para., line 19: would should read world

789 L, line 8: made should read make

789 R, line 4: for He should read For He

789 R, 2nd para., line 4: our should read ours

789 R, n. 4, line 3: bug should read but

791 L, 9th line from bottom: other granting should read another granting

791 L, Resp., 2nd para., pentultimate line: once should read one

794 D. XLV, heading: XLIV should read XLV

794 L, D. XLV, ch. II, line 4: objects should read object

795 R, line 1: non should read not

795 R, ch. vi, line 3: a (God’s) should read as (God’s)

796 L, 2nd para., line 6: sisters should read sister

796 R, 4th line from bottom: no,t should read not

798 R, n. 4, line 4: nothings should read nothing

801 L, Concl., subtitle: text should NOT be centerd, but rather be justified with second line indented.

803 L, n. 4, line 3: change and should read chance and

804 R, line 1: manner manners should read many manners

805 L, line 4: (God’s Acting) should read (God’s) Acting

805 L, Scholium, line 7: reason should read reasons

806 L, n. 3, line 1: reason. because should read reason, because

807 L, 1st para., 2nd line from bottom: ad should read at

808 L, line 8: sin or nor should read sin or not

808 L, line 10: weights should read weighs

810 R, Resp., line 8: or and thus should read and thus

814 L, D. XLVI, line 8: Apostles should read Apostle

837 L, 6th line from bottom: alls should read all

839 Q. I, subtitle: Will should read the Will

840 L, Resp., 3rd para., penultimate line: Or by should read or by

843 L, line 4: effects should read effect’s

843 L, line 6: absolutely. should read absolutely (does).

844 L, On Contrary, line 2: doe should read do

849 R, 2nd para., 14th line from bottom: slain should read slay

851 L, Q. I, n. 1, penultimate line: form man should read from man

852 L, On Contrary, last line: is not one should read is one

854 L, Concl., subtitle, line 2: to willed should read to the willed

855 L, Q. I, n. 2, line 1: were should read we

858 R, 5th para., line 1: as much as should read as much as is


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